Social Responsibility
For the Company, providing added value and positive impact on various aspects of life has become the Company's commitment as a financing company. This is realized by the Company through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. In order to realize the expected positive impact through these various CSR activities, the Company always contributes fully and consistently to various aspects, not only internal to the Company, but also including the community, the environment, and all stakeholders. Thus, the Company believes that CSR programs that are carried out more measurably and on target are able to bring added value to the Company, shareholders, and stakeholders, thereby contributing to the realization of the Company's business continuity in a sustainable manner.

Vision :
Improving the quality of life and welfare of the community by maintaining a balance of the 3Ps (People, Planet, Profit) and building harmonious relationships with stakeholders.
Mission :
Continuously create decent and quality jobs for as many Indonesians as possible. Always ensure sustainable and profitable business growth that will maximize shareholder value. Always providing value-added solutions that will optimize customer satisfaction.
Actively engage in society as a good corporate citizen.
Social Responsibility
The company is committed in contributing to the sustainable development as a form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to all stakeholders. The CSR\`s foundation of PT Radana Bhaskara Finance Tbk is the governmental legislation.
- Law no. 40 of Year 2007 on Companies stipulated in Chapter V article 74 verse 1, stating that a Company which business activities are in the field and/or related to natural resources are obliged to carried out social and environmental responsibility programs,
- Governmental Regulation no. 47 of year 2012 on Social and Environmental Responsibility of Companies.
Financial Literation and Inclusion
In order to support the OJK work plan program to increase public awareness of finance, Radana Finance has created various Financial Literacy and Inclusion work programs. The Financial Literacy Activity Plans include :
Financial seminar to one of the campuses in the Jakarta area; Create content about finance on all social media owned by the company. Meanwhile, the financial inclusion activities that will be carried out by the company include:
- The company will expand its marketing coverage area by opening several Point of Sales (POS) in 3 (three) areas that are considered to have sales potential, such as big cities or areas that have growing businesses;
- Launched a new financing product for factoring financing that supports each other with the ongoing factoring financing product.